Saturday, September 09, 2006

aft gaining phobia of kiking the ball high in the rm again..i went out to the arcade to find the others..went there train 'daytona' again..den played wif them beginner course..keep getting banged den fly dono where..den lose lose lose..den i wan play wif them advanced they donwan..6 ppl player begginer course super cramp lo..not fun at all..i went to arcade oso for another reason..see if liu qi still der anot..but sure enuf he was still der play romance of the 3 kingdoms..he 1 credit can complete game..den he keep completing alot times oso not sian 1 sia..2pid duplicating technique..aft arcade went bak chalet again..den decided we shd go play LAN awhile..went LAN play 1 and a half game of DotA..1st game shuffle players i tio wif heng..i and shao don nid to say..we keep kill kill kill den 45mins finish liao..2nd game shuffle i tio nan hong den shao not my group..but nvm shao wif the we learn use teamwork and gang shao den kill the other 2(it's 3v3) play until timer run counted we still win..aft LAN was lyk 1am i tink..we went mac sit awhile and tok abt how ignatius told his sir "sir my bone >>>sprain<<<>

6:49 PM;
I made my mark



Teo Wen Jun `
Male `
Rockin 13 `
CCHMS-ian(1MD) `


Lao po(Val) `
Snuggling in my blankie `
Eating chewy sweets `
Hanging out wif frenz `
Carbonated drinkz `
Funny peeps `
Slackin `
Soggy fries `


Unreasonable teachers `
Humji kias `
Kpkb retards `
Homework `
Ah lianz `


Sweet dreams every nite `
Coloured contact lens `
No studying in skl `
Super powers `
Mansion `
Lotsa money `
Handsome `
Smart `

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Lao Po `
Class Blog `
Chong Li `
Jordan `
Jun Zhou `
Marcus `
Ryan `
Shao Xuan `
Sin Yong `
Wee Keong
Yao Chang


  • June 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • September 2006
  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • January 2007


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    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy